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The earth in Ancient Egypt was named Ta Mara.
Pyramids and places of power were placed on intersections of the leys,
magnetic lines of energy that cross the earth.
So stand the ruins of the Incas and the stones of the Celts,
the power is in the place; the power is in the stone formed by man’s hand.
Mythology resonates with the calling into being the animals and ourselves, the root of our names being sung for their realization.
We are magnetized with our blood and bone for our earth journey.
If we listen, we can belong to the rhythms of the earth and its inner dreams.
Our tracks are as the birds’ trails of migration, magnetized with the repeated energies of many that travel the same path.
If we stand in the vortices of the leys, we become apart of the whole.
If we become still and silent, we feel the four winds and the sky.
We are then one with our kin of the past, the present and the future.
We are then one with the energies of it all.
Catherine Eaton Skinner