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The act of raising from a lower place, condition or quality to a higher position; said of material things, person, the mind, the voice; condition of being elevated; height; exaltation

A word of duality, elevation spans the physical world and the mental/spiritual world.  The ascent of the mountain is a winding path, becoming more difficult as greater heights are achieved.  It is a solitary climb: a physical challenge to the body and the mind. At the same time, it represents a challenge of the spirit, lessening earthly matters as the height of the heavens is approached - an expansion of the heart and openness of the mind. This ascent embraces compassion for the blue forget-me-not in the middle of May, blooming through the gently falling snow.   

Civilizations often create cosmic mountains in monumental forms such as the tower, pyramid, spire, minaret, and stupa.  Honoring the trees connection between heaven and earth—and to humankind---we evoke this energy by building this triangular form, which embodies the universal desire to unite with the unknown.

The archetypal symbol of the triangle is fashioned from just three lines. A sacred enclosure of potential, the triangle emerges from the chaos of no structure. It is the first form to emerge from the straight line, derived from the extension of the point, or bindu. In the sacred quest, a widening perspective is realized in the forces of the inner mountain’s potential, the prima materia held within its form. The image of flowing lava, upward and outward brings from within a cleansing, reshaping of lands and earth, a visualization of the red thread of life.

Mountains are my breath, filled to capacity.  I live between, beneath and upon them. Within their echo is a mantra:  a repetition of steps taken to reach a greater height; a repetition of thoughts, prayers and words for the elevation of our being.

Catherine Eaton Skinner